Unix Commands/Scripts - 129 Commands/Scripts found |
Sample 1. Maven Clean install without executing tests | |
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Like Feedback maven maven clean install maven install maven install without test maven build |
Sample 2. Finding any of the multiple texts strings in file | |
egrep 'Error|Exception|Debug' logfile.txt
Like Feedback egrep grep log grep |
Sample 3. Tail log to see only lines containing an error / exception in last 5000 lines | |
tail -5000 /opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/Viva/logs/VivaWebClusterMemberPsc9800/SystemOut.log | grep -i "FileNotFoundException"
Like Feedback tail tail logs check logs for errors grep grep -i grep ignore case |
Sample 4. How to connect to Redis | |
redis-cli -c -h <REDIS_END_POINT> -p <PORT_NUMBER>
Like Feedback |
Sample 5. Check Docker Images | |
docker images
Like Feedback |
Sample 6. Do a maven clean install without tests and only display Error lines | |
mvn clean install -DskipTests | grep "ERROR"
Like Feedback maven maven install maven build maven clean install |
Sample 7. Get lines containing any of the multiple errors / exceptions in running logs | |
tail -f /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/SystemOut.log | egrep "(WSWS3713E|WSWS3734W|WSVR0605W|javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException|ThreadMonitor)"
Like Feedback grep grep logs tail tail -f egrep |
Sample 8. Count a particular word ( error ) in a file | |
grep -c "Error" logfile.txt
Like Feedback grep grep log grep -c |
Sample 9. count number of error / exception occurences in a file. | |
sed -n '/ERROR/,/EST/p' /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/SystemOut.log | grep "LogicBlockSetupException" | wc -l
Like Feedback sed grep word count wc wc -l |
Sample 10. Switch Java version in Ubuntu | |
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Like Feedback switch java version sudo update-alternatives |
Sample 11. Command to package maven project | |
mvn --package
Like Feedback maven |
Sample 12. Get few lines before and after a particular dependency within mvn depedency tree ( 3 lines before and 1 line after ) | |
mvn dependency:tree | grep -B 3 -A 1 log4j-slf4j
Like Feedback |
Sample 13. Get a list of files within AWS S3 bucket | |
aws s3 ls s3://<bucketName>
Example -
aws s3 ls s3://myBucket/bucket
Like Feedback aws s3 aws storage amazon cloud storage amazon s3 list files within aws s3 aws storage amazon cloud storage amazon s3 |
Sample 14. Get Current Date | |
Like Feedback get current date check date in unix |
Sample 15. Start an EC2 instance using AWS CLI | |
aws ec2 start-instances --instance-id=<EC2_INSTANCE_ID>
Like Feedback |
Sample 16. Commands and Steps for resolving Merge conflict in Git | |
git fetch ( it will only bring the remote code to local but won't attempt to merge )
git status ( will show the merge conflicts )
Fix the Merge conflicts
git add .
git commit
git push
Like Feedback |
Sample 17. Git - your branch is ahead by 1 commit error. Move Head to previous commit ( Will reset the last change ) | |
git reset --hard HEAD~
Like Feedback git |
Sample 18. Finding relevant word and excluding irrelevant word | |
grep xception logfile.txt | grep -v ERROR
Like Feedback grep grep log grep -v |
Sample 19. Finding text within .gz (zipped) file without unzipping them | |
zgrep -i Error *.gz
Like Feedback grep zgrep zgrep -i grep within zipped file |
Sample 20. find occurences of a particular error in last n days | |
find /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/ -iname "SystemOut*" -mtime -7 -exec zgrep "FileNotFoundException" {} ; >> logAnalysis.txt
Like Feedback find zgrep -iname 0mtime >> |
Sample 21. Shell Script for Log4j Log Analysis and exception reporting | |
`grep "xception" Out.log >> /home/xyz/test1`
`cat /home/xyz/test1 | sed -n 's/.* ([^ ]*xception[^ ]*) .*/1/p' | awk '!x[$0]++' >> /home/xyz/test2`
`rm test3`
while read line
lineNum=`sed -n "/$line/,/EST/{=;q;}" Out.log`
let bl=$lineNum-5
let el=$lineNum+15
echo "*************************************************
" >> test3
`sed -n "$bl,$el p" Out.log >> test3`
echo "
" >> test3
done < "/home/xyz/test2"
`cat test3 | /bin/mail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO`
Like Feedback script exception reporting script log4j analysis script awk |
Sample 22. Log Monitoring Shell Script - email upon errors | |
# Set the config variables
# *************************************************Configuration********************************************************
# **********************************************************************************************************************
# Set the Log File path
if [ `hostname` = cpc2600 ]
elif [ `hostname` = cpc2601 ]
logFilePath="/opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/applicationcpc2600/logs "
elif [ `hostname` = psc2800 ]
logFilePath="/opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/applicationpsc2800/logs "
elif [ `hostname` = psc2801 ]
logFilePath="/opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/applicationpsc2801/logs "
if [ ! -s $logFilePath/$logFileName ]; then echo "ERROR- Log File Not Found , Please set the config properly"
# Get the first 30 characters of the first line linestart=$(awk 'NR>1{exit} ;1' $logFilePath/$logFileName | cut -c1-30)
# Never ending loop that will parse the Out.log file every 5 sec
while true ; do
# get the last line of file , till which we need to parse the log in this iteration lineend=$(awk 'END{print}'
$logFilePath/$logFileName | cut -c1-30)
# if log file not found , Do nothing and wait for the next iteration if [ ! -s $logFilePath/$logFileName ];
then echo "Log File Not Found .. Waiting for the next iteration ..."
# error checking , in case we dont find the linestart , parse the whole file grep "$linestart"
$logFilePath/$logFileName if [ $? != 0 ] then
echo "cat $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep $errorList | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO"
cat $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep "$errorList" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO
#parse the log file from linestart to lineend for errors
echo 'awk "/$linestart/,/$lineend/" $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep "$errorList" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO'
awk "/$linestart/,/$lineend/" $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep "$errorList" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO #set the last line as the first line for next iteration linestart=$lineend fi
#set the last line as the first line for next iteration linestart=$lineend
sleep 5
Like Feedback script shell script to report errors in logs |
Sample 23. Get all Errors in a log file for last n days in a seperate error file | |
find /LogFilesfolder/ -iname "SystemOut*" -mtime -7 -exec zgrep "| ERROR |" {} ; >> logReport.txt
Like Feedback find -iname -mtime zgrep find errors in log file |
Sample 24. Clone a repository / checkout project in Git | |
git clone <repository_url>
Like Feedback |
Sample 25. How to reload .bash_profile in ubuntu | |
source ~/.bash_profile
Like Feedback |
Sample 26. Install ruby on ubuntu | |
sudo apt-get install ruby-full
Like Feedback |
Sample 27. Install AWS CLI on Linux / ubuntu | |
sudo apt-get install awscli
Like Feedback |
Sample 28. Run df command ( check disk space usage ) using AWS CLI on AWS EC2 instance | |
Usage -
aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["df -a"] --targets "Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceId>"
Example -
aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["df -a"] --targets "Key=instanceids,Values= i-0981d8456ffd18wcb"
Like Feedback aws cli aws ssm aws ssm send-command check disk space usage on AWS instanc |
Sample 29. Get Summary / List of files recursively from an S3 bucket | |
aws s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive --human-readable --summarize
Like Feedback amazon aws s3 aws storage amazon cloud storage amazon s3 |
Sample 30. Download S3 public file | |
wget <S3 URL>
Like Feedback Download s3 file s3 file amazon s3 |
Sample 31. Get Elastic Beanstalk / EC2 instance information using instance name | |
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>"
Like Feedback AWS Amazon AWS AWS CLI describe-instances Amazon EC2 |
Sample 32. Get List of AWS Configuration | |
aws configure list
Like Feedback |
Sample 33. Get RDS EndPoints | |
aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[?DBInstanceIdentifier==`<RDS_IDENTIFIER>`].{endpoint:Endpoint.Address}' --output text
Like Feedback |
Sample 34. Build angular project | |
ng build
Like Feedback |
Sample 35. Create a Git branch | |
Git branch <Branch_name>
Like Feedback git |
Sample 36. Display the file names that matches the given pattern | |
grep -l ERROR *.log
Like Feedback grep |
Sample 37. Get Error Snippets in running logs | |
tail -f /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/SystemOut.log | sed -n '/ERROR/,/EST/p'
Like Feedback grep grep logs tail tail -f sed sed -n |
Sample 38. Report the file size of all files bigger than 2 mb and older than 30 days | |
find . -type f -size +4096 -atime +30 -exec du -sk '{}' ;
Like Feedback find du -exec find files |
Sample 39. Shell Scripts for Automating System Monitoring Task | |
# ********************************************************Configuration***************************************************************
EMAIL_SUBJECT="Server Health Check Report for $(hostname)"
# ************************************************************************************************************************************
dfHome=`df | sed -n '/ /home$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfViva=`df | sed -n '/ /apphome/Viva$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfRoot=`df | sed -n '/ /$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfApphome=`df | sed -n '/ /apphome$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfLogsOld=`df | sed -n '/ /localvg-logsOld$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
memUsage=`sar -q 1 | tail -1 | awk '{ print "" $3}' | sed 's/%//g'`
avgLoad=`uptime | awk -F "$FTEXT" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d, -f3`
iostatIdle=`iostat | awk '{print $5}' | awk 'NR==4' | cut -d '.' -f1`
if [[ $dfHome -gt $homeBench ]] then
errorSnippet="Disk Usage for /home exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfHome now";
if [[ $dfViva -gt $VivaBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /apphome/Viva exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfViva now";
if [[ $dfRoot -gt $rootBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /(root) exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfRoot now";
if [[ $dfRoot -gt $rootBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /(root) exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfRoot now";
if [[ $dfApphome -gt $appHomeBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /apphome exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfApphome now";
if [[ $dfLogsOld -gt $logsOldBench ]] then
Disk Usage for logs old exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfLogsOld now";
if [[ $iostatIdle -gt $idleBench ]] then
Iostat idle exceedeed the benchmark, Its $iostatIdle now";
if [[ $memUsage -gt $memUsageBench ]] then
Memory Usage exceedeed the benchmark, Its $memUsage now";
if [[ $avgLoad -gt $avgLoadBench ]] then
15 minute Average Load exceedeed the benchmark, Its $avgLoad now";
print $errorSnippet
if [ "$errorSnippet" != "" ]; then
`echo errorSnippet | /bin/mail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO`
Like Feedback script to automate monitoring task df sed sar tail awk iostat shell script if block print /bin/mail |
Sample 40. Print last field using awk | |
awk { print $NF }
Like Feedback awk |
Sample 41. Count words in a File | |
grep "Text" file.txt | wc -l
Like Feedback count words in a file grep wc word count |
Sample 42. Build Maven project offline | |
mvn o package
Like Feedback maven |
Sample 43. Count number of lines in a file | |
wc -l
Like Feedback |
Sample 44. Find text within files of a directory recursively | |
grep -R "<text>"
Like Feedback |
Sample 45. Start Zookeeper | |
Go to Kafka home directory and execute
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
Like Feedback |
Sample 46. Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream | |
aws kinesis put-record --stream-name <STREAM_NAME> --partition-key <PARTITION_KEY> --data <DATA>
Like Feedback Amazon AWS AWS Amazon Kinesis Stream aws kinesis put-record aws kinesis put single record in amazon Kinesis |
Sample 47. Get all Tag information for EC2 instance using instance name | |
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>" | grep "TAGS"
Like Feedback AWS Amazon AWS AWS CLI describe-instances Amazon EC2 |
Sample 48. Push your project to Git | |
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "<COMMIT_COMMENT>"
git remote add origin <GIT_REPO_CLONE_URL>
git push -u origin <BRANCH>
cd /home
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "First Commit"
git remote add origin https://xys/abc.git
git push -u origin master
Like Feedback Git |
Sample 49. Get All attributes for a key | |
hgetall <KEY>
Like Feedback Redis |
Sample 50. SSH into EC2 instance using pem ( key ) file | |
Like Feedback |
Sample 51. Execute main method with argument using maven | |
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.*.*" -Dexec.args="args1 args 2"
Like Feedback maven execute main method with args |
Sample 52. Moving file from staging to head | |
git commit <file_name>
Like Feedback git |
Sample 53. Merge a branch to current branch | |
git merge <branch_to_be_merged>
Like Feedback |
Sample 54. Build Docker Image | |
docker build <FILE_OR_FOLDER>
Like Feedback |
Sample 55. Run a Docker image on a container | |
docker run -p <PORT1>:<PORT2> <CONTAINER_ID> <IMAGE_ID>
Like Feedback |
Sample 56. Shell Script to continuously monitor the state(up/down) of application and send email if its down | |
while true ; do
curl websiteaddress.com | grep -q "Down for Maintenance"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Website is Down" | mail -s "Website is down for maintenance" email@address.com
; fi
sleep 20
Like Feedback script to monitor logs curl sleep while loop if block |
Sample 57. Grant most liberal permissions on the file or directory for all ( self , group and others ) | |
chmod 777 file_name
Like Feedback chmod change permission change permission on file grant most liberal permission grant most lenient permissions |
Sample 58. Check the Dependency Tree of a maven project | |
mvn dependency:tree
Like Feedback maven maven dependency maven dependency tree |
Sample 59. Get the Maven Dependency Tree of a project in a separate file | |
mvn dependency:tree >> file.txt
Like Feedback maven maven dependency maven dependency tree |
Sample 60. Get fields matching a particular string using awk | |
awk '/xception/ { print $1 }' source.txt >> destination.txt
Like Feedback awk |
Sample 61. How to display hidden files in unix | | Ashish Singh ashishde89@gmail.com |
ls -a
Like Feedback display hidden files listing all files ls |
Sample 62. Get Maven Dependency using command line get | |
mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=org.springframework:spring-context:5.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=<group Id>:<artifact Id>:<version>
Like Feedback Get Maven Dependency using command line get |
Sample 63. Run Jetty server through command line using maven | |
mvn jetty:run
Like Feedback run jetty |
Sample 64. To see which POM contains missing transitive dependency | |
run mvn -X
Like Feedback maven check missing transitive dependency |
Sample 65. Check JAVA_HOME value | |
Like Feedback JAVA_HOME |
Sample 66. Set JAVA_HOME | |
export JAVA_HOME=
Like Feedback JAVA_HOME |
Sample 67. To know the version of Maven | |
mvn --version
Like Feedback maven maven version |
Sample 68. Default Location of Maven Repository | |
Like Feedback maven |
Sample 69. Command to create new project based on archtype | |
mvn archetype:generate
Like Feedback maven |
Sample 70. Recursively create directories | |
mkdir -p /home/newParentDir/newDir
Like Feedback |
Sample 71. How to check if Ubuntu i386 or amd64 | |
Run 'lscpu' and check Architecture:
Like Feedback ubuntu i386 or amd64 |
Sample 72. Network information on ubuntu | |
ifconfig -a
Like Feedback |
Sample 73. Create a new Kafka topic | |
kafka-topics --zookeeper <host:port> --create --topic <topic_name> --partitions <number_of_partitions> --replication-factor <replication_factor>
Example -
kafka-topics --zookeeper <localhost:80> --create --topic newTopic --partitions 5 --replication-factor 1
Like Feedback |
Sample 74. Start the Kafka Server | |
Go to kafka home directory and execute
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
Like Feedback |
Sample 75. Location of .bash_profile in ubuntu | |
Its in your Home directory
Like Feedback |
Sample 76. Install AWS CLI ( Amazon Web Service Command Line Interface ) using brew | |
brew install awscli
Like Feedback |
Sample 77. Install MySQL using brew | |
brew install mysql
Like Feedback |
Sample 78. Install redis using brew | |
brew install redis
Like Feedback |
Sample 79. Execute class with main method using maven | |
Execute it from the folder with pom file
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.*.*"
Like Feedback |
Sample 80. Load Data from CSV into MySql Table | |
Like Feedback load csv into mysql table csv to mysql |
Sample 81. Get current Date in a specified format ( year, month,date,hour and minute) within shell script. | |
currentDate=$(date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
Like Feedback current date current date in specific format |
Sample 82. Get information about a particular replication group | |
aws describe-replication-groups --replication-group-id <REPLICATION_GROUP_ID> --output text
Like Feedback AWS Amazon AWS AWS CLI describe-replication-groups |
Sample 83. Get Private IP address of a EC2 / Beanstalk instance using AWS CLI | |
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>" | grep "PRIVATEIPADDRESSES"
Like Feedback AWS Amazon AWS AWS CLI describe-instances Amazon EC2 |
Sample 84. Add an EC2 pem key to SSH | |
ssh-add <PEM_FILE_PATH>
Like Feedback amazon was pem key ssh pem key ssh-add |
Sample 85. Remove all folders and subfolders recursively and forcibly | |
rm -rf *
Like Feedback |
Sample 86. How to find lines in a file "File" containing "some text" ? | |
grep "some Text" File
Like Feedback |
Sample 87. Command to list of jdk modules | |
java --list-modules
Like Feedback java 9 java 9 module |
Sample 88. Switch to Java version 8 on Mac | |
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
Like Feedback |
Sample 89. How to get first few records in Redis | |
scan <NUMBER>
Like Feedback |
Sample 90. Retrieve information about the IAM User | |
aws iam get-user
Like Feedback |
Sample 91. Check if AWS is installed | |
which aws
Like Feedback |
Sample 92. Check if AWS has been configured properly | |
aws configure list | egrep "access_key|secret_key|region" | wc -l
Count of 3 means configured correctly
Like Feedback |
Sample 93. Get Elastic Cache Information | |
aws elasticache describe-replication-groups --query 'ReplicationGroups[?ReplicationGroupId==`<ELASTIC_CACHE_IDENTIFIER>`].NodeGroups[0].{ip:PrimaryEndpoint.Address}' --output text
Like Feedback |
Sample 94. Stop an EC2 instance through AWS CLI | |
aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id=<EC2_INSTANCE_ID>
Like Feedback |
Sample 95. Instructing maven to set up files ( class path, project ) within eclipse | |
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Like Feedback maven eclipse |
Sample 96. Instructing maven to set up files ( class path, project ) within idea IntelliJ | |
mvn idea:idea
Like Feedback maven IntelliJ |
Sample 97. Set a Redis field value using key and field name
or Add a new Field to a Redis Key | |
HSET <Key> <field> <value>
Like Feedback Redis AWS |
Sample 98. Connect to Redis using Redis CLI | |
redis-cli -c -h <Redis End Point> -p <Port>
Like Feedback Redis aws |
Sample 99. Force Edit in Vi or Vim | |
Like Feedback vi editor vim editor |
Sample 100. Running process in background | |
<Command> &
Like Feedback |
Sample 101. Run a program / command with security privileges of root / others | |
su <username>
sudo su <username>
Like Feedback |
Sample 102. Running angular development server | |
ng serve
Like Feedback |
Sample 103. Create mew angular component | |
ng generate component <component_name>
Like Feedback |
Sample 104. Create new angular project using angular CLI | |
ng new <project_name>
Like Feedback |
Sample 105. Create new angular project using angular CLI with routing enabled | |
ng new <project_name> --routing
Like Feedback |
Sample 106. Moving a file to staging | |
git add
Like Feedback git |
Sample 107. Moving file from Head on local to remote ? | |
git push <file_name>
Like Feedback git |
Sample 108. Does git commit , commits the file to remote ? | |
Like Feedback git |
Sample 109. Setting the remote project for the Git initialized local project | |
git remote add origin <git_repo_url>
Like Feedback git |
Sample 110. Merging remote changes to local | |
git pull
Like Feedback git |
Sample 111. Switch to a new branch in git | |
git checkout <branch_name>
Like Feedback git |
Sample 112. Create and checkout the new branch in git | |
git checkout -b <branch_name>
Like Feedback git |
Sample 113. Rebase a branch with master | |
git rebase master
Like Feedback |
Sample 114. Add all files to the index for commit and push in git | |
git add .
Like Feedback |
Sample 115. Git commit | |
git commit -m "Commit Message"
Like Feedback |
Sample 116. Steps in Git push from local to remote | |
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git push
Like Feedback |
Sample 117. Installing angular Redux module | |
npm install redux @angular-redux/store
Like Feedback angular redux |
Sample 118. Put a folder recursively using sftp | |
sftp <user_name>@<machine_address>
put - r <folder_path>
Like Feedback sftp |
Sample 119. Change commit message in Git | |
git commit --amend
Like Feedback git |
Sample 120. Git - Remove a Folder forced and recursively from the index | |
git rm -rf <folder_name>
Like Feedback |
Sample 121. Git - Add only java files to the index | |
git add *.java
Like Feedback |
Sample 122. Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host? | |
Try running with sudo
Try following commands
sudo service docker stop
sudo nohup docker daemon -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock &
Like Feedback |
Sample 123. Load Docker image locally | |
sudo docker load -i <LOCAL_IMAGE_FILE>
Like Feedback |
Sample 124. shim error: docker-runc not installed on system | |
Run -
sudo ln -s /usr/libexec/docker/docker-runc-current /usr/bin/docker-runc
Like Feedback |
Sample 125. Could not find module "@angular-devkit/build-angular" from | |
npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular
Like Feedback |
Sample 126. Install RxJs | |
npm install rxjs
Like Feedback |
Sample 127. Install rxjs-compat | |
npm install --save rxjs-compat
Like Feedback |
Sample 128. Checking EC2 metainformation | |
curl http://<EC2_IP>/latest/meta-data
Like Feedback Amazon Web Services (AWS) Aws ec2 |
Sample 129. Git -Force checkout another branch | |
git checkout -f <Branch_Name>
Like Feedback git |