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Unix Commands/Scripts for '#Ls' - 95 Commands/Scripts found

 Sample 1. Maven Clean install without executing tests

mvn clean install -DskipTests

   Like      Feedback     maven  maven clean install  maven install  maven install without test  maven build

 Sample 2. Finding any of the multiple texts strings in file

egrep 'Error|Exception|Debug' logfile.txt

   Like      Feedback     egrep   grep log  grep

 Sample 3. Tail log to see only lines containing an error / exception in last 5000 lines

tail -5000 /opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/Viva/logs/VivaWebClusterMemberPsc9800/SystemOut.log | grep -i "FileNotFoundException"

   Like      Feedback     tail  tail logs  check logs for errors  grep  grep -i  grep ignore case

 Sample 4. Do a maven clean install without tests and only display Error lines

mvn clean install -DskipTests | grep "ERROR"

   Like      Feedback     maven  maven install  maven build  maven clean install

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 Sample 5. Get lines containing any of the multiple errors / exceptions in running logs

tail -f /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/SystemOut.log | egrep "(WSWS3713E|WSWS3734W|WSVR0605W||ThreadMonitor)"

   Like      Feedback     grep  grep logs  tail  tail -f  egrep

 Sample 6. Count a particular word ( error ) in a file

grep -c "Error" logfile.txt

   Like      Feedback     grep   grep log  grep -c

 Sample 7. count number of error / exception occurences in a file.

sed -n '/ERROR/,/EST/p' /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/SystemOut.log | grep "LogicBlockSetupException" | wc -l

   Like      Feedback     sed  grep  word count  wc  wc -l

 Sample 8. Switch Java version in Ubuntu

sudo update-alternatives --config java

   Like      Feedback     switch java version   sudo update-alternatives

 Sample 9. Get few lines before and after a particular dependency within mvn depedency tree ( 3 lines before and 1 line after )

mvn dependency:tree | grep -B 3 -A 1 log4j-slf4j

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 Sample 10. Get a list of files within AWS S3 bucket

aws s3 ls s3://<bucketName>

Example -

aws s3 ls s3://myBucket/bucket

   Like      Feedback     aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3  list files within aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3

 Sample 11. Start an EC2 instance using AWS CLI

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-id=<EC2_INSTANCE_ID>

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 Sample 12. Commands and Steps for resolving Merge conflict in Git

git fetch ( it will only bring the remote code to local but won't attempt to merge )
git status ( will show the merge conflicts )
Fix the Merge conflicts
git add .
git commit
git push

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 Sample 13. Git - your branch is ahead by 1 commit error. Move Head to previous commit ( Will reset the last change )

git reset --hard HEAD~

   Like      Feedback     git

 Sample 14. Finding relevant word and excluding irrelevant word

grep xception logfile.txt | grep -v ERROR

   Like      Feedback     grep   grep log  grep -v

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 Sample 15. Finding text within .gz (zipped) file without unzipping them

zgrep -i Error *.gz

   Like      Feedback     grep  zgrep  zgrep -i  grep within zipped file

 Sample 16. find occurences of a particular error in last n days

find /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/ -iname "SystemOut*" -mtime -7 -exec zgrep "FileNotFoundException" {} ; >> logAnalysis.txt

   Like      Feedback     find  zgrep  -iname  0mtime  >>

 Sample 17. Shell Script for Log4j Log Analysis and exception reporting


`grep "xception" Out.log >> /home/xyz/test1`
`cat /home/xyz/test1 | sed -n 's/.* ([^ ]*xception[^ ]*) .*/1/p' | awk '!x[$0]++' >> /home/xyz/test2`

`rm test3`

while read line
lineNum=`sed -n "/$line/,/EST/{=;q;}" Out.log`
let bl=$lineNum-5
let el=$lineNum+15
echo "*************************************************

" >> test3
`sed -n "$bl,$el p" Out.log >> test3`
echo "

" >> test3
done < "/home/xyz/test2"

`cat test3 | /bin/mail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO`

   Like      Feedback     script  exception reporting script  log4j analysis script  awk

 Sample 18. Log Monitoring Shell Script - email upon errors

# Set the config variables

# *************************************************Configuration********************************************************
# **********************************************************************************************************************


# Set the Log File path

if [ `hostname` = cpc2600 ]
elif [ `hostname` = cpc2601 ]
logFilePath="/opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/applicationcpc2600/logs "
elif [ `hostname` = psc2800 ]
logFilePath="/opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/applicationpsc2800/logs "
elif [ `hostname` = psc2801 ]
logFilePath="/opt/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/applicationpsc2801/logs "

if [ ! -s $logFilePath/$logFileName ]; then echo "ERROR- Log File Not Found , Please set the config properly"

# Get the first 30 characters of the first line linestart=$(awk 'NR>1{exit} ;1' $logFilePath/$logFileName | cut -c1-30)


# Never ending loop that will parse the Out.log file every 5 sec

while true ; do

# get the last line of file , till which we need to parse the log in this iteration lineend=$(awk 'END{print}'
$logFilePath/$logFileName | cut -c1-30)

# if log file not found , Do nothing and wait for the next iteration if [ ! -s $logFilePath/$logFileName ];
then echo "Log File Not Found .. Waiting for the next iteration ..."

# error checking , in case we dont find the linestart , parse the whole file grep "$linestart"
$logFilePath/$logFileName if [ $? != 0 ] then
echo "cat $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep $errorList | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO"
cat $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep "$errorList" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO


#parse the log file from linestart to lineend for errors

echo 'awk "/$linestart/,/$lineend/" $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep "$errorList" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO'

awk "/$linestart/,/$lineend/" $logFilePath/$logFileName | egrep "$errorList" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO #set the last line as the first line for next iteration linestart=$lineend fi

#set the last line as the first line for next iteration linestart=$lineend

sleep 5


   Like      Feedback     script  shell script to report errors in logs

 Sample 19. Get all Errors in a log file for last n days in a seperate error file

find /LogFilesfolder/ -iname "SystemOut*" -mtime -7 -exec zgrep "| ERROR |" {} ; >> logReport.txt

   Like      Feedback     find  -iname  -mtime  zgrep  find errors in log file

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 Sample 20. Clone a repository / checkout project in Git

git clone <repository_url>

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 Sample 21. How to reload .bash_profile in ubuntu

source ~/.bash_profile

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 Sample 22. Install ruby on ubuntu

sudo apt-get install ruby-full

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 Sample 23. Install AWS CLI on Linux / ubuntu

sudo apt-get install awscli

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 Sample 24. Run df command ( check disk space usage ) using AWS CLI on AWS EC2 instance

Usage -

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["df -a"] --targets "Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceId>"

Example -

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["df -a"] --targets "Key=instanceids,Values= i-0981d8456ffd18wcb"

   Like      Feedback     aws cli  aws ssm  aws ssm send-command  check disk space usage on AWS instanc

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 Sample 25. Get Summary / List of files recursively from an S3 bucket

aws s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive --human-readable --summarize

   Like      Feedback     amazon aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3

 Sample 26. Download S3 public file

wget <S3 URL>

   Like      Feedback     Download s3 file  s3 file  amazon s3

 Sample 27. Get Elastic Beanstalk / EC2 instance information using instance name

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>"

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-instances  Amazon EC2

 Sample 28. Get List of AWS Configuration

aws configure list

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 Sample 29. Build angular project

 ng build

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 Sample 30. Display the file names that matches the given pattern

grep -l ERROR *.log

   Like      Feedback     grep

 Sample 31. Get Error Snippets in running logs

tail -f /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/application/logs/SystemOut.log | sed -n '/ERROR/,/EST/p'

   Like      Feedback     grep  grep logs  tail  tail -f  sed  sed -n

 Sample 32. Report the file size of all files bigger than 2 mb and older than 30 days

find . -type f -size +4096 -atime +30 -exec du -sk '{}' ;

   Like      Feedback     find   du   -exec  find files

 Sample 33. Shell Scripts for Automating System Monitoring Task



# ********************************************************Configuration***************************************************************
EMAIL_SUBJECT="Server Health Check Report for $(hostname)"
# ************************************************************************************************************************************

dfHome=`df | sed -n '/ /home$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfViva=`df | sed -n '/ /apphome/Viva$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfRoot=`df | sed -n '/ /$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfApphome=`df | sed -n '/ /apphome$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
dfLogsOld=`df | sed -n '/ /localvg-logsOld$/s/.* ([0-9][0-9]*)%.*/1/p'`
memUsage=`sar -q 1 | tail -1 | awk '{ print "" $3}' | sed 's/%//g'`
avgLoad=`uptime | awk -F "$FTEXT" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d, -f3`
iostatIdle=`iostat | awk '{print $5}' | awk 'NR==4' | cut -d '.' -f1`

if [[ $dfHome -gt $homeBench ]] then
errorSnippet="Disk Usage for /home exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfHome now";
if [[ $dfViva -gt $VivaBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /apphome/Viva exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfViva now";
if [[ $dfRoot -gt $rootBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /(root) exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfRoot now";
if [[ $dfRoot -gt $rootBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /(root) exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfRoot now";
if [[ $dfApphome -gt $appHomeBench ]] then
Disk Usage for /apphome exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfApphome now";
if [[ $dfLogsOld -gt $logsOldBench ]] then
Disk Usage for logs old exceedeed the benchmark, Its $dfLogsOld now";
if [[ $iostatIdle -gt $idleBench ]] then
Iostat idle exceedeed the benchmark, Its $iostatIdle now";
if [[ $memUsage -gt $memUsageBench ]] then
Memory Usage exceedeed the benchmark, Its $memUsage now";
if [[ $avgLoad -gt $avgLoadBench ]] then
15 minute Average Load exceedeed the benchmark, Its $avgLoad now";

print $errorSnippet
if [ "$errorSnippet" != "" ]; then
`echo errorSnippet | /bin/mail -s $EMAIL_SUBJECT $EMAIL_TO`

   Like      Feedback     script to automate monitoring task  df  sed  sar  tail  awk  iostat  shell script if block  print  /bin/mail

 Sample 34. Print last field using awk

awk { print $NF }

   Like      Feedback     awk

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 Sample 35. Count words in a File

grep "Text" file.txt | wc -l

   Like      Feedback     count words in a file  grep  wc  word count

 Sample 36. Build Maven project offline

mvn o package

   Like      Feedback     maven

 Sample 37. Count number of lines in a file

wc -l 

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 Sample 38. Find text within files of a directory recursively

grep -R "<text>"

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 Sample 39. Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream

aws kinesis put-record --stream-name <STREAM_NAME> --partition-key <PARTITION_KEY> --data <DATA>

   Like      Feedback     Amazon AWS  AWS  Amazon Kinesis Stream  aws kinesis put-record  aws kinesis   put single record in amazon Kinesis

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 Sample 40. Get all Tag information for EC2 instance using instance name

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>" | grep "TAGS"

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-instances  Amazon EC2

 Sample 41. Get All attributes for a key

hgetall <KEY>

   Like      Feedback     Redis

 Sample 42. SSH into EC2 instance using pem ( key ) file


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 Sample 43. Moving file from staging to head

git commit <file_name>

   Like      Feedback     git

 Sample 44. Build Docker Image

docker build <FILE_OR_FOLDER>

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 Sample 45. Shell Script to continuously monitor the state(up/down) of application and send email if its down

while true ; do
curl | grep -q "Down for Maintenance"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Website is Down" | mail -s "Website is down for maintenance"
; fi
sleep 20

   Like      Feedback     script to monitor logs  curl  sleep  while loop  if block

 Sample 46. Grant most liberal permissions on the file or directory for all ( self , group and others )

chmod 777 file_name

   Like      Feedback     chmod  change permission   change permission on file  grant most liberal permission  grant most lenient permissions

 Sample 47. Get the Maven Dependency Tree of a project in a separate file

mvn dependency:tree >> file.txt

   Like      Feedback     maven  maven dependency  maven dependency tree

 Sample 48. Get fields matching a particular string using awk

awk '/xception/ { print $1 }' source.txt >> destination.txt

   Like      Feedback     awk

 Sample 49. How to display hidden files in unix
Ashish Singh
ls -a

   Like      Feedback     display hidden files   listing all files   ls

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 Sample 50. Get Maven Dependency using command line get

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=org.springframework:spring-context:5.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT


mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=<group Id>:<artifact Id>:<version>

   Like      Feedback     Get Maven Dependency using command line get

 Sample 51. Run Jetty server through command line using maven

mvn jetty:run

   Like      Feedback     run jetty

 Sample 52. Check JAVA_HOME value


   Like      Feedback     JAVA_HOME

 Sample 53. Default Location of Maven Repository


   Like      Feedback     maven

 Sample 54. Recursively create directories

mkdir -p /home/newParentDir/newDir

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 Sample 55. Location of .bash_profile in ubuntu

Its in your Home directory

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 Sample 56. Install AWS CLI ( Amazon Web Service Command Line Interface ) using brew

brew install awscli

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 Sample 57. Install MySQL using brew

brew install mysql

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 Sample 58. Install redis using brew

brew install redis

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 Sample 59. Execute class with main method using maven

Execute it from the folder with pom file

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.*.*"

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 Sample 60. Load Data from CSV into MySql Table





   Like      Feedback     load csv into mysql table  csv to mysql

 Sample 61. Get current Date in a specified format ( year, month,date,hour and minute) within shell script.

currentDate=$(date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")

   Like      Feedback     current date   current date in specific format

 Sample 62. Get information about a particular replication group

aws describe-replication-groups --replication-group-id <REPLICATION_GROUP_ID> --output text

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-replication-groups

 Sample 63. Get Private IP address of a EC2 / Beanstalk instance using AWS CLI

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>" | grep "PRIVATEIPADDRESSES"

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-instances  Amazon EC2

 Sample 64. Remove all folders and subfolders recursively and forcibly

rm -rf *

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 Sample 65. How to find lines in a file "File" containing "some text" ?

grep "some Text" File

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 Sample 66. Command to list of jdk modules

java --list-modules

   Like      Feedback     java 9  java 9 module

 Sample 67. Check if AWS is installed

which aws

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 Sample 68. Check if AWS has been configured properly

aws configure list | egrep "access_key|secret_key|region" | wc -l

Count of 3 means configured correctly

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 Sample 69. Get Elastic Cache Information

aws elasticache describe-replication-groups --query 'ReplicationGroups[?ReplicationGroupId==`<ELASTIC_CACHE_IDENTIFIER>`].NodeGroups[0].{ip:PrimaryEndpoint.Address}' --output text

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 Sample 70. Stop an EC2 instance through AWS CLI

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id=<EC2_INSTANCE_ID>

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 Sample 71. Instructing maven to set up files ( class path, project ) within eclipse

mvn eclipse:eclipse

   Like      Feedback     maven  eclipse

 Sample 72. Instructing maven to set up files ( class path, project ) within idea IntelliJ

mvn idea:idea

   Like      Feedback     maven  IntelliJ

 Sample 73. Set a Redis field value using key and field name

or Add a new Field to a Redis Key

HSET <Key> <field> <value>

   Like      Feedback     Redis  AWS

 Sample 74. Connect to Redis using Redis CLI

redis-cli -c -h <Redis End Point> -p <Port>

   Like      Feedback     Redis  aws

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 Sample 75. Run a program / command with security privileges of root / others



su <username>


sudo su <username>

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 Sample 76. Running angular development server

ng serve

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 Sample 77. Create mew angular component

ng generate component <component_name>

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 Sample 78. Create new angular project using angular CLI

ng new <project_name>

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 Sample 79. Create new angular project using angular CLI with routing enabled

ng new <project_name> --routing

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 Sample 80. Moving a file to staging

git add

   Like      Feedback     git

 Sample 81. Moving file from Head on local to remote ?

git push <file_name>

   Like      Feedback     git

 Sample 82. Does git commit , commits the file to remote ?

   Like      Feedback     git

 Sample 83. Setting the remote project for the Git initialized local project

git remote add origin <git_repo_url>

   Like      Feedback     git

 Sample 84. Merging remote changes to local

git pull

   Like      Feedback     git

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 Sample 85. Add all files to the index for commit and push in git

git add .

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 Sample 86. Steps in Git push from local to remote

git add .
git commit -m "message"
git push

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 Sample 87. Installing angular Redux module

npm install redux @angular-redux/store

   Like      Feedback     angular  redux

 Sample 88. Put a folder recursively using sftp

sftp <user_name>@<machine_address> 

put - r <folder_path>

   Like      Feedback     sftp

 Sample 89. Git - Remove a Folder forced and recursively from the index

git rm -rf <folder_name>

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 Sample 90. Git - Add only java files to the index

git add *.java

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 Sample 91. Load Docker image locally

sudo docker load -i <LOCAL_IMAGE_FILE>

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 Sample 92. shim error: docker-runc not installed on system

Run -

sudo ln -s /usr/libexec/docker/docker-runc-current /usr/bin/docker-runc

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 Sample 93. Could not find module "@angular-devkit/build-angular" from

npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular

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 Sample 94. Install RxJs

npm install rxjs

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 Sample 95. Install rxjs-compat

npm install --save rxjs-compat

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